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Nicole Black
PhonoGraft: Biomimetic eardrum grafts
2021 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Harvard University
Mira Moufarrej
Prenatal liquid biopsy tests
2021 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Stanford University
Bruce Enzmann, Michael Lan, and Anson Zhou
Innerva: A conical nerve conduit
2021 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Johns Hopkins University
Hilary Johnson
Variable volute water pump
2021 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Benjamin Johnson and Zane Zents
Grain Weevil: Grain extraction and bin management robot
2021 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of Nebraska Omaha
Seung Hwan An and Maya Burhanpurkar
Adventus Robotics: Autonomous wheelchair technology
2021 Move it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Harvard University
Paige Balcom
Recycling systems to transform PET plastic waste
2021 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of California, Berkeley
Celestine Ananda, Bennett Bartel, Nicholas Bartel, Cassandra Bossong, and Taylor Peterson
Modal Propellant Gauging (MPG): A system that provides real-time fuel gauging for aircraft and spacecraft
2020 Move it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Carthage College
Tzu-Chieh (Zijay) Tang
Syn-SCOBY: a smart pollutant-sensing filter and DEPCOS for ultra-safe water applications
2020 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniela Blanco
Chemical reactors for sustainable chemical processes and an optimized system for energy storage and hydrogen production
2020 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
New York University
Shriya Srinivasan
Healthcare advances for amputees that restore a sense of touch and better mobility
2020 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Siddharth Iyer, Jasmine Hu, Mathias Insley, Diane Lee, and Eric Lin
Augeo: A cryogel polymer-based embolization solution to treat hemorrhaging patients
2020 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Johns Hopkins University
Marx Acosta-Rubio, Grant Christensen, and Hal Jones
Neptune Plastics, Inc.: Biodegradable Plastic
2020 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Brigham Young University
Mercy Asiedu
Callascope, a cervical cancer diagnosis device and a smartphone algorithm to classify cervix images
2019 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Duke University
Morgen Glessing and Josh Horne
Portal Entryways: A wireless device that opens disabled-accessible doors
2019 Move it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Brigham Young University
Julie Bliss Mullen
Electrochemical Water Purification Technology and Chlorine Generator
2019 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Laura Hinson, Madeline Lee, Sophia Triantis, and Valerie Zawicki
Ithemba: A reusable, low-cost, contamination-free breast biopsy device
2019 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Johns Hopkins University
Enid Partika and William Tanaka
The BioEnergy Project – Repurposing Food Waste
2019 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of California San Diego
Arnav Kapur
AlterEgo, a non-invasive-peripheral-nerve computer interface and ISGEC platform
2019 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Federico Scurti
SMART Conductor and Enhanced Optical Fiber Sensors
2019 Move it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
North Carolina State University
Melissa Austin, Eric Cao, Talia Kirschbaum, Theodore Lee, and Harrison Nguyen
N-Stent: Daily-Wear Nasal Breathing Aid
2018 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Johns Hopkins University
Tyler Clites
Agonist-antagonist Myoneural Interface (AMI) and Pollex Grasp
2018 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kayla Nguyen
Electron Microscope Pixel Array Detector (EMPAD) and Low-Cost airSTEM
2018 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Cornell University
Maher Damak
Charged Polymers for Sticky Agricultural Sprays, and Water Recovery in Cooling Towers
2018 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Guy Satat
All Photons Imaging and FemtoPixel
2018 Drive It!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Treyetech: Kali Barnes, Stephanie Cai, Akash Chaurasia, Conan Chen, and Eric Chiang
Novel Device to Revolutionize Eye Corneal Transplants
2018 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Johns Hopkins University
Chen Wang, Chandani Doshi, Grace Li, Jessica Shi, Charlene Xia, Tania Yu
Tactile: A Real-Time Text-to-Braille Converter
2017 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Natasha Wright
Solar-Powered Desalination System for Off-Grid Water Production in India and Gaza and Usage Sensor for Household Water Treatment Devices
2017 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Katy Olesnavage
Method to Design a Better Prosthetic Foot
2017 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Apoorva Murarka
Contact-Printed Nano-membrane Transducers for Sound Production
2017 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lisa Tostanoski
Innovative Biomaterials-based Strategies to Combat Autoimmune Disease
2017 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of Maryland - College Park
Maria Filsinger Interrante, Christian Choe, Zachary Rosenthal
Novel Proteins to Fight Superbug Bacterial Infections
2017 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Stanford University
Tomás Vega and Corten Singer
WheelSense: An Open-Source Smart Add-On System for Wheelchairs
2017 Drive It!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of California, Berkeley
Tony Tao
A Small, Mid-Air-Deployable, Folding Electric Drone, and Adaptable Aircraft Manufacturing (AAM) Architecture
2017 Drive It!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Matthew Rooda, J. Abraham Espinoza
SwineTech: SmartGuard Device – Real-time health analysis for farmers
2017 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of Iowa
Heather Hava
Better Connections between Humans and Plants on Earth and in Space
2016 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of Colorado Boulder
Catalin Voss
Autism Glass Project
2016 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Stanford University
Jason Kang, Katherine Jin and Kevin Tyan
Highlight: A Powdered Additive for Disinfectants
2016 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Columbia University
Achuta Kadambi
Superhuman Visual Systems to Capture Light
2016 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dan Dorsch
The First High-Performance, Lightweight Clutchless Hybrid Transmission
2016 Drive It!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kale Rogers, Michael Farid, Braden Knight and Luke Schlueter
The World’s First Completely Automated Restaurant
2016 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thomas Pryor and Navid Azodi
SignAloud: Gloves that Transliterate Sign Language into Text and Speech
2016 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
University of Washington
Carl Schoellhammer
Enhancing Pain-Free Drug Delivery in Patients via the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract
2015 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Joseph Barnett and Stephen John
Respiratory Solution for Premature Infants around the World
2015 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Western Michigan University
Josh Siegel
Connecting “Hidden” Vehicle Data with a Cloud-based Platform to Create Powerful and Transformative Applications
2015 Drive It!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Justin Keenan and Kevin Paroda
The Next Dimension of 3D Printing
2015 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Penn State University
Alexander Richter
Game-changing Innovation to Help Solve the Global Food Scarcity Challenge
2015 Eat it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
North Carolina State University
Tyler Ovington, Alex Devon and Kayla Gainey
GlucoSense: A low-cost glucometer and strip system for diabetics in resource-poor settings
2014 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Clemson University
Christopher Haid, Mateo Pena Doll, AJ Perez and Forrest Pieper
Automated 3D printing for the classroom
2014 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
David Sengeh
Designed next-generation wearable mechanical interfaces that improve comfort for amputees
2014 Cure it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Benjamin Peters
Reconfigurable Forming Tools – Looking Beyond 3D Printing
2014 Use it!
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Nikolai Begg
Inventor of medical devices that are making surgical procedures less invasive
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Miles Barr
Invented the first-ever solar cells fabricated on everyday substrates
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alice Chen
Invented a humanized mouse with a tissue-engineered human liver
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Erez Lieberman-Aiden
Invented a ground-breaking method for three dimensional genome sequencing called “Hi-C”.
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Geoffrey von Maltzahn
Developed a new class of therapeutics that provides more precision to cancer ablation.
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Timothy Lu
Invented processes to combat bacterial infections by enhancing the effectiveness of antibiotics at killing bacteria
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nate Ball
Invented the ATLAS Powered Rope Ascender
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Carl Dietrich
Invented the Transition; a personal air vehicle
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Berry
Innovations in stroke and cancer treatments
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Saul Griffith
Invented low-cost device for manufacturing eyeglass lenses, electronic rope and recyclable 3D LEGO chocolate printer
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James McLurkin
Developed 'swarm' microrobots based on the principles of nature to carry out real-world tasks.
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Andrew Heafitz
Designed a low-cost aerial surveillance system that utilizes a rocket
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brian Hubert
Created a universal nano-assembly machine
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amy Smith
Designed a motorized hammermill
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel DiLorenzo
Designs and builds implantable microelectrodes to facilitate sensory feedback in prosthetic limbs
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Akhil Madhani
Black Falcon—a tool for minimally invasive surgery.
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nathan Kane
Invented the HydroRail™ —a modular hydrostatic bearing for machine tools; and the Pass-It™
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Levy
Invented the Fastap™ keypad, formerly known as OneTouch™
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thomas Massie
Invented PHANTOM 3-D Touch interface for computers
Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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