JV InvenTeams activity guides
JV InvenTeams activity guides, including educator and student versions, are available for grades 6-10. There are no fees for downloading. The content is curated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) community and tested for quality and safety. Activity guides are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. Companion pre-assembled invention kits are available for sale. Tools and materials lists are also available for educators to purchase what they need locally. Activities can be offered to students in many different contexts – as a supplement to coursework in the classroom setting, as enrichment activities in after school programs, and as the core program offered in workshops or summer camps.

Shoe Soles
The JV InvenTeams Shoe Soles activity guide will lead educators and students through the creative process of making shoe soles as they learn design and pattern transfer techniques and make shoe sole prototypes.

Electronic Textiles
The JV InvenTeams Electronic Textiles activity guide will lead educators and students through the creative process of designing wearable technology. Students will explore basic circuitry applications and make wearable wrist bands.

Chill Out
The JV InvenTeams Chill Out activity guide will lead educators and students through the creative applications of heating and cooling as they learn to build a lunch box. Students will also explore convection, conduction, radiation, heat and energy, electricity and circuits.

Pump it Up
The JV InvenTeams Pump it Up activity guide will lead educators and students through the applications of human power and energy. Students learn to build a water pump.

U Control
The JV InvenTeams U Control activity guide will lead educators and students through applications of general motor science. Students will learn to design and build a door that can open and close.

Noise Makers
The JV InvenTeams Noise Makers activity guide will lead educators and students through applications of sound waves and electromagnetism. Students will build speakers.

Super Lens
The JV InvenTeams Super Lens activity guide will lead educators and students through the science of light. Students will build a lens and create a camera prototype.

Green Chemistry
The JV InvenTeams Green Chemistry activity guide will encourage students to use green chemistry principles to invent bioplastics.