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Rebecca Richards-Kortum & Maria Oden
Inventors bringing life-saving health solutions to the developing world
Lemelson-MIT Award for Global Innovation
Dr. Ashok Gadgil
Global Innovation for Scientific Solutions to the Global Water Crisis, and Energy and Fuel Efficiency
Lemelson-MIT Award for Global Innovation
Elizabeth Hausler
Culturally Accepted, Sustainable Reconstruction in Developing Countries
Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability
BP Agrawal
Developed Rainwater harvesting system and mobile health clinics to improve the quality of life for villagers in rural India.
Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability
Joel Selanikio
Invented EpiSurveyor, mobile software for public health workers
Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability
Martin Fisher
Invented low-cost, human-powered irrigation pumps to help subsistence farmers become self-reliant entrepreneurs.
Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability
Lee Lynd
Invented advanced technologies for converting biomass feedstocks into motor vehicle fuels.
Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability
Sidney Pestka
Developed antiviral treatments for chronic diseases
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Robert Dennard
Developed the one-transistor dynamic random access memory (DRAM).
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Edith Flanigen
Invented molecular sieve zeolites.
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
William Murphy, Jr.
His inventions include significant improvements on the early cardiac pacemakers, artificial kidneys, cardiac catheters and disposable medical trays.
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Kavita Shukla
Invented and patented FreshPaper—a low-cost, compostable paper to keep produce fresher longer.
Invention Apprentice
Ruth Benerito
Modernized the cotton industry through her scientific invention of wrinkle-free, wash-and-wear fabrics.
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Jordan Sand
Solar distillation device to purify outdoor water and eco-friendly paper
Invention Apprentice
Raymond Damadian
Developed the first MR (Magnetic Resonance) Scanning Machine
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Charles Johnson
Baby Buzzer"—a mat with a device that sounds a buzzer when stepped on, alerting parents when babies are close to staircases.
Invention Apprentice
Al Gross
The "founding father" of wireless communications
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Stephanie Kwolek
The invention of Kevlar®, the high-strength fiber that is the life-saving material of bulletproof vests.
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Krysta Morlan
Water bicycle for both therapeutic and recreational uses and the "Cast Cooler"
Invention Apprentice
Jacob Rabinow
Inventions include automatic letter-sorting machine for the U.S. Postal Service; automatic regulation of clocks and watches; the magnetic particle clutch used in cars and airplanes; etc.
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Gertrude Elion
Developed cures for cancer and leukemia
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
Wilson Greatbatch
Invented a device that emitted electricity pulses to the heart.
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
William Hewlett and David Packard
Co-founders of Hewlett-Packard Company
Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award
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