Tyler Ovington, Alex Devon and Kayla Gainey
The Clemson University team of Tyler Ovington, Alex Devon and Kayla Gainey are developing the Glucosense glucometer system that could impact the lives of millions of diabetics worldwide who cannot afford current commercial systems. The group realized the powerful impact their technology could have while meeting with the head of the Tanzania Diabetes Association, who assured them that their design was a fit for so many in need.
Team member Gainey is thankful for the ability to check her blood sugar every day. She is a Type 1 diabetic and determined to help design modern healthcare devices that provide a high standard of care to those who traditionally lack access in resource-poor settings.
The Clemson Bioengineering team’s contributions go beyond their classroom learnings. Devon, Gainey and Ovington, with the support of Clemson’s Creative Inquiry Program, help to foster inventive thinking among youth and frequently educate K-12 students about science, technology, engineering and mathematics, sharing their learned perspective on healthcare disparities around the world. The team, under the guidance of advisors Dr. Delphine Dean and Dr. John DesJardins, mentor dozens of high school students in South Carolina on class assignments and science fair projects, ranging from dental chair designs for resource poor settings to education programs for women in Tanzania.