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John Milne


Geologist and engineer John Milne is known as one of the most significant contributors to the understanding and evaluat

Eliza Minden

Gaynor Minden Pointe Shoe

There is room for technological improvement in all types of fields, including the arts.

Robert Moog

Moog Filter

Robert Moog was born in 1934 in New York City.

Garrett Morgan

The Gas Mask

Because of repeated incidents of firefighters being overcome by smoke when attempting to put out fires in his hometown of

Krysta Morlan

The Cast Cooler

Young inventor Krysta Morlan demonstrated talent in the field of assistive technology with her inventions and her initi

Samuel Morse

Morse Code

Samuel Finley Breese Morse, inventor of several improvements to the telegraph, was born in Charlestown, Mass.

Sharon Mullen

The Original Car Seat Cozy

Entrepreneur and inventor Sharon Mullen may be a perfect illustration of the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invent

Thomas Murphy

Integrated Optical Add/Drop Filter

A team of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduate students conquered a major challenge of high-capacity op

James Naismith


Canadian-born James Naismith, inventor of the game of basketball, was born on November 6, 1861 in Almonte, Ontario.

Shuji Nakamura

Blue Light-Emiting Diode (LED)

Shuji Nakamura was born on May 22, 1954 in Ikata, Ehime, Japan.

Gauri Nanda

“Clocky” Alarm Clock

Few would deny that the first thing they do when the alarm clock goes off in the morning is to hit that snooze button and

Gail Naughton

Advances in Tissue Engineering

The field of tissue engineering has transformed many areas of medicine, particularly reconstructive surgery and burn treat

Prince Nelson

Portable Electric Keyboard

Prince, an American singer-songwriter, musician

Tom Newby

Advances in Animatronics

For virtually any man, woman, or child born after 1950, the Muppets are sure to be familiar characters.