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Akhil Madhani

Teleoperated surgical instruments

Akhil Madhani invented robotic instruments for use in fields as diverse as surgery and space exploration when he was a

Forrest Mars


Chocolate lovers around the world have none other than Forrest E. Mars, Sr.

Stanley Mason

“Ordinary, Everyday Products”

Over  70 years, Stanley I.

Jennie Mather

Advances in Cancer Treating Drugs

In 1999, biotechnologist Jennie P.

Ted McCarty

Tune-O-Matic Bridge

In the guitar world, inventor Ted McCarty made his mark as an innovative instrument designer during the 1950s and early 19

Elijah McCoy

Automatic Oil Cup

Frequently, if people want to make sure to get "the real thing" – a quality product or service – they ask for "the real

James McLurkin

Robot Ants

Long Island, New York native James McLurkin loved working with Legos, models, and bicycles as child.

John McTammany

Player Piano

John McTammany (1845-1915) has been credited with the invention of the player piano.

Carver Mead

Structured Custom Design of Integrated Circuits

Carver Mead has made many of the Information Age’s most significant advances in microcircuitry, which are essential to