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Lydia O'Leary

Covermark Concealer

Cosmetics innovator Lydia O’ Leary turned adversity into triumph when she created a makeup product that could help peop

Rose O'Neill

Kewpie Doll

The artistic talents of illustrator, inventor, and suffragist Rose Cecil O’Neill sparked a worldwide craze at the start of

Ellen Ochoa

Optical analysis systems

Ellen Ochoa’s career offers an outstanding example of how invention can lead to adventure.

J. Oppenheimer

“Father of the Atomic Bomb”

Julius Robert Oppenheimer is likely the first name that comes to mind when one mentions the atomic bomb.

Jewell Osterholm

Innovations in Stroke Treatments

Jewell L. Osterholm, M.D. developed a pioneering treatment for stroke and other central nervous disorders.