Hill Country Education Foundation InvenTeam
Austin, Texas
The Hill Country Education Foundation InvenTeam invented Dalmatian, a mechanically simple device to ensure continuous flow of water through a fire hose by preventing kinks in the hose. This invention improves the safety and efficiency of the firefighting process by allowing firefighters to focus more on the fire and less on equipment malfunction because of water pressure loss. The prevention of water flow delays reduces the risk of personal injury or even death. Flashing LEDs on the device also provide orientation as firefighters retrace the hose to work their way out of a burning building. The product combines a clamping design with rollers to produce a smooth motion of the fire hose. Guides help keep the firehose in place, and Dalmatian is light enough to be carried with standard firefighting equipment. The device costs $160 and measures 13 x 12 x 18 in. with a one-inch wall guide extending from the plates. Rollers are 8 in. in height to accommodate a variety of hose sizes. Watch their 2015 EurekaFest Video