Charles Johnson's inventions have helped his arthritic grandmother start her car, saved his young cousins from dangerous...
The Lemelson-MIT High School Invention Apprenticeship was started in 1998 as a way to provide a hands-on invention...
Stephanie Kwolek graduated college in 1946 with a degree in chemistry and dreams of becoming a doctor. Unable to afford...
Entering the engineering field as a Jewish man during the Great Depression, Jacob Rabinow was advised to seek another career...
Powerless to help her grandfather fight cancer and her fiancé combat a life-threatening bacterial infection, Gertrude "Trudy"...
In an attempt to record the sound of a heartbeat, Dr. Wilson Greatbatch inadvertently created something far more crucial—a...
"Dave and I recognized from the start that invention was the lifeblood of our community. We tried to develop an atmosphere...