Kevin Warfield
Kevin Warfield was an educator of the Greenbrier East High School InvenTeams in 2017 and 2022; as well as the educator of the 2024 Greenbrier East High School Inventing Smart Solutions teams that presented at Eurekafest. He joined Greenbrier East High School as a drafting instructor in 2006, and transitioned to the pre-engineering instructor in 2012. Prior to teaching, Kevin spent 16 years in the civil engineering and architect industry. He is a certified instructor for Project Lead the Way, as well as being certified to teach AP Computer Science and computer repair. Kevin was Greenbrier County Teacher of the Year in 2015 as well as a finalist for West Virginia teacher of the year.
Kevin and local architect, TAG Galyen, led a group of students in designing a concept plan for an aquatic center for the community. The Greenbrier Valley Aquatic Center opened in April 2022. In addition, Kevin also partnered with the Anglo School in Soro Caba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, where students from both schools collaborated to turn an empty area at the Anglo School into a "green space” for students. In 2023, Kevin facilitated a group of former InvenTeam students as they became Samsung Solve for Tomorrow National Finalists.
In 2024, Kevin joined Lemelson-MIT as an Invention Education Fellow.