Cambridge Christian School InvenTeam
Tampa, Florida
The Cambridge Christian Academy InvenTeam is inventing a Motorized OffShore Environmental Sensor (MOSES), an autonomous marine vessel that travels offshore to gather sensor data indicating the presence of Karenia brevis. Karenia brevis is an alga harmful to the respiratory systems of humans and marine life and is also a cause of red tide. High CO2, low O2, and low pH values correlate strongly to the presence and concentration of Karenia brevis.
A programmed microcontroller will control motors that guide MOSES to pre-determined GPS coordinates. Sensor detection along geographic routes will provide data for analysis, visualization, and distribution to provide timely social media and opt-in text messaging notification of harmful red tide bloom to small businesses, as well as tourist and local populations along the Pinellas and Manatee County coasts. MOSES’ data will be compared with data from the University of South Florida and the MOTE Marine Laboratory and Aquarium to contribute to the area’s research data set.