A Team Hard at Trabajar (Work)
Since the Tucumcari InvenTeam held their MGTR they have been fired up, working as hard as they can, to make more progress with their invention!

One big step forward that the team has taken is making progress with their prototype casing. By studying and researching different types of casing (size, shape, etc.) we've been able to make different prototypes that will work the best for the field that they are designed to be in. With a couple more, minor, changes the team should have its casing done. The team has also made great strides in their code with the help of some professionals. The team plans to have multiple, working prototypes completed in the very near future!

Additionally, the team has been fundraising and using their resources in the best way possible in order to make it to Massachusetts. One big accomplishment that the team made was winning the Macmillan Foundation grant to help cover travel expenses. The team also held a concession stand at their school's local track meet. Although it was very cold, the team was able to make it closer to their money goals and support their local players as they support us!

The team has never been more determined to finish their invention!