This Storm was Un-brr-lieveable
Welcome back to our updates! Today is March 6, 2024. A lot has happened since the last blog, so settle in for a bit of a rollercoaster.
First things first, our Mid-Grant Technical Review, which was supposed to occur on March 5th has been rescheduled for March 20th. We had an incredible storm that was so powerful many were left without power for over 12 hours. At lake level, we got around four feet, but our main highway to and from Reno, which peaks at nearly 8,260 feet, got nearly eight feet of snow and had to be closed down. Our schools were also closed down for 2 full snow days and we had an early release day. With this storm, it was nearly impossible to expect our Mid-Grant Review guests who were coming from Reno to be able to make it up the mountain, so we were forced to reschedule. Here are some photos of the snow at around 7,400 feet.
However, the positive side of this storm is that we were able to gather incredible data for our project, and we did not let the snow days slow us down. Our dedicated team worked through snow days, early releases, and power outages to keep ourselves on track. Our main focus right now is our app as we are hoping to be able to provide authentic live demo at our Mid-Grant Technical Review. Our team of app-builders is working around the clock to create the best possible user experience, and we cannot wait for everyone to see it.
After the wild ride that this week has been, we are still just as committed to making the finest product we can, and we are still driven by our love for mountain towns. In these times where people are out of town and snow is piling up, it is our goal to provide peace of mind for our community and others like us, so they can rest easy knowing their roof is stable.