So much to learn: So much to do: So little time!
Hi Everyone,
There has been so much happening in the last few weeks that it has all been a blur. As we see the days tick off the calendar the reality of it all is setting in. The frustration is real, and often, but the "Eureka" moments more than make up for them. Our team is running like a well oiled (and patented) machine, and, as we head into winter break for a well deserved rest, we are looking forward to getting back together to see this project to completion. One of the highlights of the month is that we got to meet Dr. Estabrooks, and she was kind enough to give us some much needed tips and pointers. We have also been learning about hydraulics and linear actuators and how we can best utilize them in our prototype. Like we said before: So much to do!
Happy holidays everybody!
With eyes on EurekaFest,
-The HSA Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam