Sensible InvenTeam: January Update
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the Sensible team!
We’ve been hard at work this month and have made tons of progress! We started out the month by meeting with textiles experts. A huge thank you to Dr. Mathur and Dr. Sokolowski! We’re grateful for all of your assistance and insight! Using the advice and knowledge we now have, we have begun to experiment with different materials. Our first shipment of materials has been ordered and is set to arrive soon!
We FINALLY got the chance to hang out as a team outside of meetings! We had a great time and had lots of fun! However, we were all exhausted after all the JustDance we played! (RIP the brownies we burnt)
We’re looking forward to the Mid-Grant Technical Review in February! Our team is working hard to present our progress to our peers, mentors, and the public. We’ve started planning for the event, as well as publicizing it. Stay tuned for more!
Check out our Instagram: @sensibleinventeam
If you have any questions or would like to reach out to us, we can be reached at