Sensible InvenTeam: December Update

We are so excited to be a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam this year! 

Once we heard the amazing news, we got straight to work to create our product, Sensible. Since then, we have worked to share the cause of our invention with our local community. This includes reaching out to local newspapers, TV stations, posting on social media, and sending out a press release via the school district. We also had the opportunity to meet with NC Representative Von Haefen and speak with her about our project as we really resonated with her drive to promote menstrual equity. 

To kickstart our research and development process, we’ve been working with and contacting mentors to advise us in the invention process. We have reached out to experts in the field at North Carolina State University and look forward to meeting them. We are grateful to have the guidance of our advisor Mrs. Kelley and our supporters Dr. Kumari and our Lemelson-MIT Invention Education Fellow Dr. Leigh Estabrooks! A special shout out to Shirley for all her wisdom. Most importantly, we’ve gotten closer as a team, although hanging out together outside of team meetings has been almost impossible. 

We’re eager to continue this journey and share our discoveries with you. 

Anisha & Nandini with NC Representative Von Haefen


Meet our team!

From left to right: Samantha, Esther, Nandini, Ms. Kelley, Ishita, Anisha, Shailen

We have also assigned roles to each member of our team. 

Communications: Shailen & Esther

Financials: Esther & Samantha

Technical: Anisha & Nandini

Sustainability: Nandini & Shailen

Publicity: Ishita & Anisha

Outreach: Samantha & Ishita

Check out our Instagram: @sensibleinventeam

If you have any questions or would like to reach out to us, we can be reached at