Our First Blog
We are the Calistoga HeatSync InvenTeam
Hello! We are the Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam and National award-winning students from the LMIT Inventing SMART Solutions program at Calistoga Junior-Senior High School. We are partnering with the Calistoga Fire Department in the Napa Valley, and we are inventing a device to cool them down by preventing heat stress in order to protect their health and safety.
Sonoma State Electrical Engineering Department
Sonoma State has kindly offered to help our InvenTeam this year! We are excited to see what valuable information we will learn from them as we goggle up and build circuits.
Thermoregulation Specialists at UC Berkeley
We got our first working cooling system functioning and analyzed information from Thermoregulation Specialists at UC Berkeley.
Visit to Stanford and Palo Alto Firefighters
While fundraising we took a visit to Stanford and the Palo Alto Fire department. We talked to one of the Firefighters and share information about who we are and what we are doing.

Our InvenTeam's Progress
Engineering and Scientists
Our Engineering and Scientists have recently worked on narrowing down how to cool the firefighters mobily and efficiently. It was a struggle because we purchased new electrical equipment that was defective, such as broken or miswired parts, but our Engineering and Science students were able to isolate and locate the defective parts and fix them. We are impressed with our results so far!

Our technology team is working closely with Sonoma State Electrical Engineering department. They have steered us towards Arduinos for our sensors and our team is working tirelessly to learn the coding and sensors of Arduino! We are excited to start working with them closely over winter break and get their expert guidance.

Our sewing team brought in expert sewer Ms. Judi Brooks for help, she has over 60 years of sewing experience and did an excellent job helping us take it to the next level!

Our Admisinistration team has taken initiative when fundraising. They created the InvenTeam Instagram account @calistoga_lmit_inventeam, Facebook account @Calistoga L-mit InvenTeam, and a functioning GoFundMe titled "Calistoga Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam Trip & Program" . The Instagram currently has 204 followers and the Facebook has 24 and we hope to grow more as we go. In the last month, our networking and fundraising efforts gotten us 42 donations with a total of $16,833 on GoFundMe.

Calistoga Tribune & Napa Valley Register Newspapers: