Multi-Month Update
It has been awhile, Lemelson-MIT. Our blog saw a little hiatus because we were so busy! But we will recap February, March, and talk about what has happened in April so far.
February- Things were getting real! With the looming of our mid-grant review, we hurried to get everything presentable and done to the best of our ability. A large circuit board for both units was completed and working, putting our electrical team on track to create a miniature board for the final prototype. Merideth and I worked feverishly on creating displays and an effective powerpoint to present to our guests. Our 3D print was a projection of what the final size/dimensions would be for both the Central Transmitting Device (CTD) and Sensing Wrist Unit (SWU). Unfortunately, we had to drop our body temperature input since the data we have been collecting was not accurate enough to create a safe baseline for any users.
March- The mid-grant review was here! We had gone through the presentation many times to ensure we could present our project to the best of our ability and were ready for their questions! We invited parents, teachers, industry in the area, and even the governor (who could not personally make it but I got a letter from him anyway)! In total, we had around 40 people come to our event, and got valuable feedback we are currently incorporating into our final presentation. After reviewing all the input, we came up with a plan of attack and schedule to get things finished and working.
April- The final report and design are coming together! We are revisiting our application papers from september to ensure all criteria will be touched on and why we have changed our design. It is amazing to see how far we have come on our journey. Rapid changes and improvements are being made to the SWU and CTD and 3D prints are being churned out quicker than we can redesign them (a great problem to have). Our testing chamber has become an integral part of our testing process, now housing not just the oxygen test, but now the ambient temperature as well. The future is bright here at Elizabethtown High School!