MIT Presentation
On November 2nd, our InvenTeam presented Iris in front of fellow teachers, administrators, and leaders within the community and beyond. It was one of many presentations to come and we are extremely proud of how far we’ve come with our invention and how far we will go in the future. It was great to finally share what we’ve worked so hard on. We even made the front page of the newspaper (AV Press). One of the people who came was Dr. Estabrooks from the Lemelson-MIT Program which sponsors InvenTeam. Her feedback and guidance for our team was tremendously helpful and valuable. We would also like to thank many others who attended the presentation for their immense support of our InvenTeam, including Assistant Superintendent Nehen, Assistant Superintendent Neal from the District, SOAR faculty Mrs. Franklin and Ms. Chainey, SOAR Principal Dr. Herrera, one of our mentors Dr. Peters, Mrs. Walker, Dr. Vierra, and Ms. Drake.