Memorable March
The Calistoga HeatSync InvenTeam
This month of March has been nothing but impactful for the Calistoga HeatSync InvenTeam. Learning to overcome the fears we had at the beginning of this amazing opportunity, has made us realize the great work we have been able to accomplish. Our InvenTeam was reunited with many people from our community including our parents. We were able to show our invention and upcoming events as well as our overall plans for the future. We have established many connections throughout this process not only inside of our team but as well as outside, with our community members. Calistoga HeatSync InvenTeam is extremely excited for what's to come and the immense support that has been given continuously.
Award Ceremony
On March 1st, we had wonderful visitors from Lemelson-MIT, the Calistoga Community, and even our family members. From calling through zoom calls, to meeting her in person, Dr. Leigh Estabrooks flew from MIT to come see us at our award ceremony. We felt very special since she was able to finally view our invention and the process of making it. Mayor Williams, who is Calistoga's Mayor gave every one of the InvenTeam members a special letter of recognition. Dr. Nemko, likewise, was there to see us. Dr. Nemko is the superintendent of the Napa County Office of Education. We were all filled with nerves because our closest supporters, our family, were also there to see us and our advancements with the invention for the first time. Overall this was a very fun and special day for those who attended.

InvenTeam Progress
Learning with the Sonoma State Robotics Team
Bryce Jensen, our amazing advisor from the Sonoma State Electrical Engineering, once again was able to come help! He came alongside his robotics team who is currently working on a NASA Mars Rover system. They taught us about Pulse Width Modulation as well as controlling and programming motors. We are grateful to have a support system behind us just like Mr. Jensen and his Robotics Team from Sonoma State University!

Sauna Testing
With the contribution of Solage, at last, we were capable of testing our device while being in increased heat conditions. Although it was our first time testing it in these temperatures, it went excellent and it taught us plenty about wearability and how we need to make our device adapt for a quick and effortless use of equipment.
Inventor Meets Inventors
We were thrilled to be able to meet Ehan Kamat who is the CEO of SOLEMENDER! Kamat explained to us his process of becoming an inventor as a young adult just like us. Ehan Kamat additionally was on SHARK TANK, Amazing!!! He talked to us about his experience as an inventor and how he has accomplished many milestones which got him to where he is now. We very much appreciate his visit and insightful tips!

Calistoga Chamber of Commerce
Some of our students attended an event with the Calistoga Chamber of Commerce. While there, we informed local businesses about our L-MIT InvenTeam. We also invited them to our upcoming events and overall received a pleasant reaction.
Upcoming Events
We keep on seeking new opportunities for us to solicit funds to fly our InvenTeam to Massachusetts to present what we have been dedicating much of our time to. Very soon we will be having a carnival-style event at Pioneer Park in Calistoga. Our team will be hosting this event with fun games, food, and music on April 6th. We hope to see many of our friends, family, and overall community to come and have a great time! Not only that, we will also be arranging an exclusive and formal event at Benessere Vineyards. Benessere, a local winery, donated us their place to hold this special event on May 5th which we greatly appreciate!
Calistoga L-MIT Inventeam x Napa Valley Education Foundation Media Day Video, click the link below to watch!