May Update
Project Description Update
May signifies the home stretch for our InvenTeam year. Through several all day Panera-Summer Break-Extravaganzas, we have met most of our goals. We have printed several working prototypes and have also completed our ideal design. Our program is functioning and almost all of our testing is complete.
This picture captured the teams mood more accurately than any quote we could think of.
After several prototypes Rodney has finalized both the working and ideal prototype. The ideal design will be placed on the wrist and will be less bulky.
Working Prototype
Ideal Prototype
3D Printing
We have three working prototypes printed right now. This is a huge accomplishment for the team!
Technical issues have forced the team to switch from the Bluno to a Raspberry Pi (Rii). Although this change was slightly problematic (Rodney had to change the measurements to fit the Rii on EMARA) it has proven to be beneficial. Now EMARA can connect to wifi by itself and has a “fancy schmancy” (as James would like to say) File Transport Protocol package.
Dummy Setup
Our dummy can simulate the temperature of a human! The team will hopefully be using the dummy to test EMARA’s accuracy.
Haely has been working on sterilization testing. The results proved the team’s hypothesis that if the PETG filament is sterilized it will produce less bacteria than if left unsterilized. Additionally, Alex and Adam have been working tirelessly on the final paper and presentation.
It is hard to believe that in a few short weeks we will be at the Eureka Fest! Before we leave, we hope to perfect our final paper and presentation. Past the Eureka Fest we plan to continue improving EMARA!