March Recap
Happy Spring!!!!
We’ve had a very busy month and want to take out time to bring everyone up to speed. This month, we’ve perfected the chemistry of a newer, more durable fluid to use in our scaled-up prototype. We’ve also had the opportunity to visit the City of Houston Engineering Works to talk to some of their engineers and view some of the current machinery they use to fill potholes up close. This allowed us to get a better feel for the processes that we are attempting to develop technology to facilitate and understand the concerns of the engineers. Additionally, we had the amazing opportunity to present our work to Sylvester Turner, the Mayor, and the Houston City Council. While we were there, we were apprised that the Council elected to name March 29th KIPP Sunnyside High School InvenTeam Day in the City of Houston heretofore in our Honor. We are extremely grateful for their support and anticipate many breakthroughs in the month of April.