January Progress Update
Welcome to the BHS InvenTeam blogpost update for the month of January. We’ve made some progress since our last update:
So far in our project, we have gotten our first box of parts. As marvelous as they are, no one enjoyed them as much as our Engineering Team. It was hilarious as they treated the motors and interface modules like the Holy Grail. Our lead engineer dedicated a great amount of time to create a brilliant 3D model of our submersible device. Our programmer has started fiddling with the interface modules and we are close to beginning some test codes for our thrusters. Our assistant engineer is studying for our sustainability certification; whereas the rest of the team is reaching out to local communities for our Mid-Year Presentation, outside funding, and business analysis.
On December 19th, 2017, our Bayonne High School InvenTeam was invited to the Bayonne Board of Education Meeting. The Board members applauded and presented us with certificates to recognize our wonderful achievement. We are currently working on our Certification for Sustainable Design as mentioned earlier and planning to commence building procedures in the new year. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Until next time, The Bayonne High School InvenTeam