Here Comes Concord High School InvenTeam

With the first few months passing by, the Concord High School InvenTeam has been making promising advances! Our problem:

Hazard of infection and injury among Christiana Hospital linen workers.

In order to tackle this behemoth of an invention, our team has been divided into sub-teams. Each sub-team has been tasked with creating a piece of the invention, which, when put together, will assemble the final solution. 


  1. Metal Detection
  • This group will create a metal detector that can differentiate between dangerous and safe materials, and send an appropriate signal to the rest of the invention.

  2.  Display

  • This group will recieve a signal from Detection, and display appropriate messages on a screen, flash a light, and potentially play a sound in order to alert the workers of dangerous materials.

  3.  Clothing Removal

  • This group will deploy a method of physically removing the hazardous linens and metals along the conveyor belt when signalled to do so.

  4.  Central Control

  • The central control behind the invention, this group will utilize arduino to manipulate information and send and recieve appropriate signals among the invention. 

With a basic prototype, a plan, and a dream, we're on our way.