Full Steam Ahead!
Happy New Year!
What a month it’s been! First and foremost, we passed our Solidworks Sustainability Exam! We dedicated the weekend of the 20th and 21st to study for the exam, and on Monday the 22nd, we spent one final day in school preparing for it, sharing our information with each other, and we passed!
In other news, we’ve been experimenting with some of our new OpenROV parts. It took us a bit of work, but we were finally able to get communication with the Beaglebone Black from OpenROV, and we also set up some of our hardware.
Finally, our Mid-Grant Technical Review is on the horizon! We’ve sent out our invitations and we’re already getting many RSVPs for the event. In addition, we’ve been recruiting some students to help out with our guests on the day of the event, seeing as we’ll be busy presenting and a number of our guests are unfamiliar with Bayonne High School and its layout.
Overall, this was certainly one of our more productive months for the build so far.
Yours truly,
The BHS InvenTeam