First Blog
On October 27th, 2021, Mr. Warfield announced to our class that we were awarded the Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams grant. We were all very excited and proud about this news. Here are some of our teamates responses to the news:
Evan Vogelsong-"I'm super exited that we won the grant, and I'm looking forward to working towards our goal. The process is just beginning, but we're starting to figure out our roles in the team, and getting to work."
Kendra Culyer- " Now that [we've] started working on the project more in depth I feel very optimistic about the future of it."
Evan Vaughan- "This team has really proven [our] ability to work together towards a common goal."
Since we found out about the grant, our team has toured a local cave and talked to a couple of cavers. They don't like to be referred to as "spelunkers," when we find out why we will let you know. They have given us feedback on what would be beneficial for our area. This week we have worked with Micro:bits. We are getting them to communicate with one another, and seeing how far apart their signals will work.