Over the last month, our InvenTeam’s jam-packed schedule has grown even more as we have just over two weeks left until EurekaFest. Each of our three technical teams have completed their individual components for the machine and have begun to work together and integrate SpORT into a complete functioning product.
Software has completed individual codes for the pan and tilt motions of the machine and has begun work on integrating them into one cohesive program such that all dimensions of the machine’s motion can be controlled according to just one set of code. This allows us to simplify the user interface without sacrificing the extents of its mobility.
As software finishes up the code compilation, mechanical has been working closely with software to test each individual program on the machine’s motion, ensuring that the code is actually functional in terms of the machine’s own limitations. So far, there have been very minimal to no bugs in the code, only some minor errors that are being fixed within the next few days. The physical machine has been essentially completed; the final design is a mixture of aluminum and MDF to maximize SpORT’s stability and resilience to wear while still minimizing cost.
On the other hand, PR and Finance teams have been working together to finance the final materials costs for the SpORT prototyping process. The team has launched a GoFundMe at in order to crowdsource the remaining necessary funds to completely cover SpORT. Please consider donating and thank you for keeping up with us over our many months of hard work; we are in the final stretch, with EurekaFest just days away! Keep following to see the very final version of SpORT in action at MIT at the end of the month!