Davenport West InvenTeam January Blog Post
Davenport West High School InvenTeam is continuing to tweak aspects of their invention, as well as working on maximizing water flow without sacrificing water quaility. Client Joshua Ngao came in to have a better understanding of their coliform testing equipment and what he will be doing with it as he arrives in Kenya on January 16th. The Colisure coliform test will be conducted by pouring water samples and Colisure packets into test vials with thiosulfate and placing it in a car for 24 hours to keep the mixture at 35°C. These tests will
provide information about the coliform presence in the water wells. Mr. Ngao will return
with a water sample so the Technical Team can test water components with Mr. Joshua Lighton at Iowa American Water. This will let the team know what minerals to prepare for and treat with the filter, especially since some minerals can turn a slow sand filter into the equvialent of concrete.
The Communications team is planning our school's robotics/STEM program's annual trivia night! The proceeds are going to help lower student costs for EurekaFest. This fundraiser is estimated to raise over $3,500.00! Also, they have scheduled a Mid Grant Technical Review on Feburary 28th, to help engage the community and local businesses.
The Financial team is working on fundraisng as well. So far, they have organized a Chic-Fil-A fundraiser (estimated to raise $300.00) and are scheduling more with local businesses. They plan on raising $5,000.00 minimum, with goals of fundraising the costs of most of the trip so students only have to pay their airfare costs and spending money.