Busy, Busy, Busy: Welcome to the World of an InvenTeam Member
Our team has been working very hard since our mid-grant presentation. We are currently working on finishing our AI device (we are getting closer and closer), our PowerPoint presentation, our presentation board, and our Everglades diorama. Dr. Buncher told us a saying that I don’t think I will ever forget: “When you want something done, give it to a busy person.” We are all so busy preparing for our Cambridge exams, SAT exams, family matters, and yet we find time to work on our InvenTeams project. Now I understand.
Our latest project is making the Everglades diorama. Dr. Buncher took four of us to Michaels to buy the supplies. Wow, crafts supplies are expensive. We bought lots of Styrofoam, paint, clay, fake plants, and other items for the diorama. We had a good time walking around the store. Who would ever think that a high-tech AI project would need Elmer’s glue? Interestingly enough, our team has some very creative people who will be putting this diorama together from scratch. We have many different talents on our team. We learned another lesson from this buying spree: A successful invention team has to consist of people with different talents. We must have said that 50 times while at the store. When our team met for the first time in October, Dr. Buncher showed us a PowerPoint he made about right brain/left brain dominance. It was a fascinating presentation about how people with different brain dominances have different ways of expressing themselves. Nobody is all one or the other dominant, but there are definitely different perspectives people have. He also mentioned there are multiple intelligences that people have (I think it was Gardner’s theory). That discussion will be for another day, probably when we are nearly finished. Dr. Buncher’s student teacher, Mr. St. Louis, has been a great help to our team. He is well versed in almost every aspect of our invention journey.
Every team member and our mentors bought their plane tickets to come to MIT in June for EurekaFest. We are very excited to present our AI device and learn from other groups about their inventions. We are looking forward to meeting students from all over the country. Dr. Buncher told us that he has been to MIT many times and that it is a beautiful campus in a beautiful city. It will be very different than Miami. We have already started rehearsing our stand-up presentation. We start our Spring Break tomorrow, but if you need anything from us, just ask, we are very busy.