Wallenpaupack Area High School InvenTeam
The Wallenpaupack Area High School InvenTeam invented a generator that uses the movement of a boat dock on Lake Wallenpaupack to produce electricity. The device consists of modified gear motors acting as generators, attached to an arm that reciprocates when waves cause the dock to rise and fall. The electricity that is produced through the wave motion is stored in a battery and is used to power an LED lantern. According to lake regulations, the extension of shore electricity onto docks on Lake Wallenpaupack is prohibited, resulting in poorly lit docks. This device uses safer low voltage electricity, which is allowed on the lake. Unlike other wave-powered generators, this device mounts directly onto the dock instead of floating as a buoy. It can be easily adapted for use on other lakes with floating docks. The generator produces enough power to maintain the 4.8 volts at 700 milliamp hours. Fully charged, the lantern can be powered for 8 hours with an output of 30 lumens. The alpha prototype cost $300 to fabricate. Watch their 2014 EurekaFest Video