Vandegrift High School InvenTeam
The Vandegrift High School InvenTeam invented a GPS-enabled identification device for people who are blind or visually impaired. The device (named C’Ceal) associates GPS coordinates with user identified indoor locations, such as rooms, staircases, and emergency exits. The information collected by the GPS chip, combined with information from an accelerometer, altimeter, and magnetometer, creates a summary of data that accurately pinpoints the exact position and characteristics of an indoor location. After the position is verbally recorded, the location is saved and the device alerts the user every time that he or she is in proximity of recorded locations. The user’s location can be determined within one meter of accuracy. The goal is to improve personal independence and help people who are blind or visually impaired to navigate around their communities. The alpha prototype cost $250 to fabricate. Watch their 2014 EurekaFest Video