Ulster BOCES InvenTeam
New Paltz, New York
The Ulster BOCES InvenTeam invented a hand exoskeleton device to improve the effectiveness of physical therapy for individuals with stroke or traumatic brain injury to help them regain the use of their hands. The device uses a system of linear actuators to mimic the motions of the human hand. The activities are controlled by an Arduino Uno mounted on the wrist, which reads outputs to an LCD screen, also on the wrist. The device is capable of producing adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, and grip motions based on the individual’s unique needs. Each of these repetitive movements helps the individual relearn the motion. This exoskeleton is smaller than similar devices and does not require any large equipment in order to be functional. The exoskeleton device is portable and programmable so that a doctor or physical therapist may combine movements to create exercises specific to a patient’s needs.