Sand Creek High School InvenTeam
The Sand Creek High School InvenTeam invented a custom-designed water filtration system for La Gonave, Haiti. The filter is based on conventional biosand filters, but is designed to benefit the people of La Gonave specifically. The design of the filter takes advantage of locally available materials on the island to develop a sustainable filter. Moringa, a locally abundant plant, is used as an agent for a pre-filtration method called flocculation. The filter uses locally available clay as a mechanical filtration medium that is essential in the context of the island’s environment. La Gonave suffers from environmental conditions that create debilitating scarcities in sand, significantly increasing the costs of biosand filter deployment. This filter will be produced locally at minimal cost and skill-requirements. The local population would be capable of building and repairing all components in the fabrication and deployment process. Watch their 2014 EurekaFest Video