Providence Day School InvenTeam
The Providence Day School InvenTeam invented a system of connected classroom desks in a two-desk by three-desk arrangement. The system turns nervous energy from kids sitting in class into electricity. Students operate treadles with their feet while seated at their desks, spinning a flywheel that turns a generator. The energy created at each desk then flows through an electrical harness that charges a battery. The electricity created can be used to power classroom tools, such as LED lights and tablet chargers. The dual system of two adjacent flywheels allows one or two students to pedal at a time. The alpha prototype of one dual system cost $1,100 to fabricate. The goal is for a set of six desks is $3,000. The InvenTeam is working with The Foundation For Tomorrow, and the first complete system, known as G.R.I D., will be donated to the Kisimiri Secondary School in Tanzania. Watch their 2014 EurekaFest Video