John P. Stevens High School InvenTeam
The John P. Stevens High School InvenTeam invented the "LifeSuit," a life jacket that increases the chances of survival for individuals in dangerous aquatic situations until they are found by search and rescue operations. The suit incorporates four major functions: flotation, insulation, desalination, and location transmission. The nylon flotation pockets provides 35 lb of flotation, enough to support a weight of 700 lb in water. The "LifeSuit" has flaps of 6mm neoprene fabric to insulate the user in water temperatures as low as 54 °F. It incorporates an integrated desalination system that renders saltwater potable in quantities of 15 fl oz every three hours. The suit also has a personal locator beacon that broadcasts the user's coordinates to alert search and rescue personnel who are within 70–100 m. The alpha prototype cost $500 to fabricate.