We're on our way!! #EurekaFest2019
We are so excited to finally be attending EurekaFest! We are pounding out the final details for our long trip from the Boston suburb of Marshfield to MIT in Cambridge! We are looking forward to so many things: interacting with other InvenTeams, making new friends, exchanging creative ideas, testing our limits, sharing a passion, and learning from others. We know that this opportunity will continue to open doors for us and continue to open our mind! We have grown so much as a Team and as individuals throughout this Grant Year! We have discovered that we are so much more capable than we ever dreamed we could be. We have embraced the idea that learning comes from failure and persistence. We have found dreams within us that we did not even know existed! We are overcome with gratitude.
We are so thankful to LMIT and the Lemelson Foundation for providing us with an extraordinary opportunity which has fundamentally changed us as learners and human beings! On to #EurekaFest2019!