On January 15, the Granada Hills Charter High School InvenTeam was given the opportunity to present a product pitch to the Toll Brothers. The Toll Brothers is an award winning home builder that creates luxurious new construction homes who develop their homes in Porter Ranch-- where our invention first began. Surprised to see how interested they were, our team worked several incredibly stressful days on our first prototype and the presentation with determination. After all the planning and support from our mentors and school, we were able to host and present to Mr. Frank Su the Toll brother representative, who was able to attend thanks to the help of our school Communications Director, Ms. Marilyn Koziatek. After the presentation, Kyle, our admin leader, demonstrated our first working prototype.
As Kyle got into further detail, he explained how the speedometer on our device would lock if it had sensed any motion, such as toppling over sideways. He also explained how our device would stay unlocked when the garbage trucks were to pick up the trash cans since the trucks only pick up these trash cans in a vertical motion. Kyle explains to Mr. Su that “Once our device senses the vertical motion our trash can is coded to stay open for about 2 minutes, which is about the amount of time it takes to completely dump the trash.”
As a result, the TollBrothers showed interest in sponsoring us and supporting our team! Proud of our achievements, we look forward to the opportunities this sponsorship could bring!