Thankful for Turkey, Thursdays, & Teamwork
During November, the club discussed traveling plans to EurekaFest, revamped our Constitution, designed our own InvenTeam shirts, and purchased important components to our invention. We are excited to continue our journey as we build our prototypes in the coming months.
The first design challenge we encountered was finding a cheap and a small enough viscometer to fit in our engine. Browsing the web for viscometers, it was difficult to find one with our specific requirements. Additionally, due to the expensive costs of traveling to EurekaFest in June, we are fundraising to help as many members as possible go to MIT. Some of our fundraising ideas included selling drinks and gum on Thursdays where lunch crowds are fullest due to other clubs’ fundraising. We have a variety of drinks that we sell to bring as many members as possible to MIT this June.
For our Constitution, we updated clauses detailing the conduct and responsibilities of every EIHS InvenTeam member. We also got news from our HISD (Houston Independent School District) contact that we are likely going to receive a bus before the year ends. Also, for EurekaFest fundraising, we started a Go Fund Me page so the public can donate to our cause. Finally, we ordered our custom-made Energy Institute High School InvenTeam club shirt.
When coming back to school after a turkey-tastic Thanksgiving, we found we had more to be thankful for. Many of our ordered devices such as our Arduinos and viscometer (Cambridge Viscosity VISCOpro 1600 with SPL-301 Line Sensor) arrived, letting us commence work on our project after a very stuffed break.