Entire Team
The MGTR went smoothly with 53 people in attendance. We received lots of great feedback and had fun presenting our progress. It was cool to share our accomplishments since most of our progress has been limited to just the team. We sincerely thank everyone for coming out!
Detecting Team
During the MGTR, it was very helpful to have not only our prototype, but also a video of the prototype in action further explaining the mechanisms within our detection device. We received a lot of feedback regarding bandwidth and with this feedback we will be able to improve our device in the future.
Testing Team
Many people enjoyed seeing the various ways we plan to test our injection/detection system. The representative for the Epilepsy foundation in Indiana was impressed with our work and offered to let us work with willing epilepsy patients more closely once our system is safer and complete. Overall, it was a very beneficial MGTR.
Injecting Team
We received a lot of feedback from teachers at our school and also medical professionals regarding our injection device. Everyone was very impressed with our prototype, although it is not fully developed yet. We plan to work more with the community members that reached out to us during the MGTR in order to improve our prototype in the future.
Public Relations Team
We got one suggestion from a college graduate to see if we can find local companies (Epilepsy Foundation, local neurologists, biomedical companies) who would be willing to sponsor our trip to MIT, so we will get working on that. In addition, we will continue to post updates on our social media websites, so keep looking out for updates!