The only Massachusetts team in the top 14 of National Competition! Inventing an intellegent snow load system.
We are very excited to be one of the 14 Lemelson-MIT Program's InvenTeam grant winners! Billerica Memorial High School (BMHS) InvenTeam was established in Feburary of 2019 and have been working hard since.
We can all agree that the weather here in New England can be unpredicatbly dangerous, especially with snowstorms. As our team is based in Massachusetts we are affected by these conditions. Back in 2015, the most buildings and houses collapsed due to the shear heaviness of the snow and many more households left uneasy at night through the unprecedented blizzards. Anually in New England, these roofs continue to give out causing dangerous living conditions and working enviroments. Additionally, snow is very decieving in its volume. This causes an uncertainty in snow roof cleanings resulting in unnecessary and costly cleanings. Likewise, construction companies are tending to blindly overthrust their structures for unexpected loads which is causing unnecessary money.
We plan to combat this issue by creating an accurate snow load detetction system that has a compatible app to report and analyze the data. Our invention is called the Blizzard Monitoring Hazard System, BMHS for short.The invention will help alert people of dangerous conditions and help save money. Nonetheless, end sleepless nights though snowstorms.