Moooving Along.......
This month has been a busy one! We are trying to do lots of outreach to let the public know about our InvenTeam and Program. We have visited many companies and non profit agencies. We also participated in the SCITECH Expo at the North Carolina Natural Science Museum Thousands of people attended this event. It was a wonderful opportunity to let the public know about our InvenTeam and our invention. We discussed our work on the invention and where we are in the process. We wanted people to know why our invention is important since 20% of cows will have lameness and it effects the cow's health and has an economic impact on the farmers due to reduced dairy production and health costs. In our exhibit was also had five activites for the visitors to complete so they too can learn about inventing and know everyone can be an inventor! We now have a team Mascot called HC Cow (healthy cow). He was able to attract many visitors to our table and did a wonderful job too!
This month our Frame's Welding will be complete. We are working hard on coding and creating our App too. You can see many pictures on our Catalyst InvenTeam Facebook Page. Another article published about us in EdNC:
We were also excited to learn Biogen Foundation has funded our Catalyst Program again for next year! We really appreciate the support and we are glad our Summer and School Year Program can continue. We want more students to join our team as we bring our Invention to market. We will test our device after our Presentation and during our summer session on a dairy farm too! We are working hard and mooving along.....