LMIT visits SFHS
On Monday, November 17, 2016, our team had the privilege of meeting Leigh Estabrooks, the Invention Education Officer for the Lemelson-MIT Program. We started our meeting with an exercise: we all introduced ourselves and mentioned what major we wish to pursue in college. Mrs. Estabrooks proceeded to discuss our team’s project. After reading the judges’ comments from our application, such as choosing the ideal person the tent was going to be used by, she gave us her own suggestions for what to use and do to implement the features we want on our backpack. For example, she advised the Solar Panel team to research other forms of renewable energy, like salt.
Most importantly, she reminded us that we needed to narrow our vision and make sure to realize that our tent isn’t supposed to solve homelessness everywhere; we need to focus on finding a solution for dealing with homelessness in LA.