January has been and exciting and eventful month for our team. On January 8th, we presented our progress so far to the school board. They seemed to really like it! Not only were they asking us questions about our project and the struggles we’ve encountered, but they also reached out to us and asked for a copy of our power point so that they can help advertise for our mid-year review event. They have also been congratulating us for our success so far, and for our project of choice. They really liked that we are helping a village halfway across the planet. All around, it was a very successful presentation!
One major impediment(that turned out to be a blessing in disguise) the rest of the team is facing is that our chopper didn’t work. It is not powerful enough to cut through grass. This led us to reconsider our design, which put us onto the track of grinders. This is not only better for our team, but also the Village Of Hope because they have more experience using grinders. For the upcoming month, we hope to perfect the grass to cassava ratio to make our briquettes as efficient as possible. We also are preparing for our mid year review event, which is coming up on February 7th at 6:00 pm!