First Blog!!
Hello, we are Cold Spring Harbor High School! We are very excited about the opportunity that has been given to our research group. These are some of the things we have been working on since receiving the grant:
In November, we 3D printed our passive traps (Thank you Ryan!!). We placed the passive traps in our backyards (tick hotspots). We wanted to test the efficiency of them with Acetone and Salicylic acid. We used the data to help with our next experiment.
On November sixth, we held a meeting to test the effectiveness of our passive test again, but this time we created a miniature environment. We caught ticks in the woods near our school by using flannel and dragging it across the forest behind our school. Next, we placed the ticks we caught under a clear box with 3 passive traps and filled the traps with acetone and sodium carbonate to produce carbon dioxide.

(left) Keira and (right) Milan cutting flannel #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork
Sebastian, Milan, Charlie, and Dhanya are ready to catch some ticks!!! #TickTerminators