Finished Scaled Model and Ready to Show the Community

We have just finished our small scale prototype that we plan to present at our local Engineering Fair this Saturday as well as transport to EurekaFest this June as seen below. The prototype is quarter scale and used with the same materials that our actual invention will be constructed from. Come see McMinnville High School Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam present at the Engineering Fair at the Evergreen Space & Aviation Museum this Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 PM!

We will also be presenting our prototype and the Lemelson-MIT program on Local Matters TV spot with Ken Moore tomorrow at MCM-TV at 3:00 PM. In addition, our team will be featured on the local community TV program titled, Speaking Frankly: And How We Doin', on Thursday, May 26th at 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Our invention has made a lot of changes in the month of May. We recently welded steel prototypes of our bracket attachments for our full scale prototype. In the future, we hope to create aluminum cast molds of these brackets. Below is a video of our member Mac Whitaker discussing our brackets.





We are still fundraising for our plane tickets to EurekaFest, please go to our GoFundMe account and support McMinnville High School going to Maschusettes Institute of Technology! 

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