The Final Countdown!
May 2019 Marshfield High School InvenTeam
It is hard to believe that in a few short weeks we will be at EurekaFest 2019 presenting our prototype at MIT! It is so exciting, a little bit scary, and absolutely amazing!! We are looking forward to meeting all the other InvenTeams that we have "met" through ZOOM sessions, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and blog posts. We have thoroughly enjoyed taking this journey together!
As always, it has been a busy month of brainstorming, programming, creating, and trying again. In addition, here at MHS, we have faced all the end of the year events that have stretched us thin in our time and energy levels. Senior internships, DECA Competitions, Youth In Government events, Musical Performances, Prom, Student Council, and trips abroad have all been packed into our spring. The challenge has been to try to find balance among activities and Team commitments. It has been a struggle at times, but as Jess always says, we are family and families work things out!
This month we met our Fundraising goal so that our trip is now fully funded!! Mech/TechTeams have moved our design forward. Garrit, Ethan, Alec, Jeremy, Colin, Tommy, and Jess have worked hard to integrate all the components of our device. The Design Team has been working on artwork, logos, and materials for EurekaFest. Lexi and Nora have been coming up with great ideas! Our Communications/PR Team has been working hard at running our fundraising activities, seeking donors, and organizing our raffle! Our Historian, Katy, has been busy documenting our journey through video, photos, and journaling. Our Financial Lead Olli and team have been busily trying to make sure all of our expenses are documented and that our grant monies are wisely spent. Sustainability Certified experts Nick and Garrit are making sure our design is eco-friendly and utilizing the environmentally safest materials possible.
We are down to crunch time and are definitely feeling the exhileration and stress of getting to EurekaFest! We are proud to be representing Marshfield High School and our community in this endeavor! Thank you to the Lemelson-MIT Foundation for making all of this possible! #WeRInventors!