February Blog Update
This month we are preparing for the Midyear Term Review. Everyone is bustling around trying to get everything in order for the big day. Our Technology group is working on the C-Bot as much as they can and trying to get as much done as possible. Our Communications group is making flyers, posters, handouts, and invitations. Both groups are working towards letting the public know about and understand our goals and purpose. I hope we are making everything as clear as possible. We are trying to make our project as open to the public as possible, so we have created social medias to interact with the public and answer any questions that may pop up.
We are becoming more comfortable with the C-Bot and we are not rushing as much as we were before. Everything is moving on track and at a constant speed that we can keep up with. Before Christmas, we were not making as much progress as we thought we were, so we decided to make a list of things to get done and assigned them to each member. Now we have everything organized. This organization gives room for more progress and we are taking up that space completely. What once was behind schedule is now ahead.
We also learned that with each blog post, there should be a picture along with it. We did not know this, so when you post a blog without a picture, it does not completely post for everyone to see. We were contacted and told to add pictures, and we did as told. The blog posts are fixed now with their own picture of each month.
This month was hectic and next month will be even more so, but I know we will all succeed with each others help. That is why it is called InvenTeams isn’t it, we have to stick together as a team and work together at the same pace to get the task at hand done and we succeed to our goal.