February Blog Post
January was a very busy month! We have made lots of connections in our community.
Chief Engineer BAE Signal Processing and Networking Engineer/MIT Alumni/Bedford rotarian, Victor Tom visited our classroom and gave feedback on our progress. We established connections with the Northeast Builders Association (NEBA) and they connected us with Mr. John Longchamps, Structural Engineer from Daigle Engineering. We are on track from the feedback we have gotten from the end-user perspective.
This month, we did a practice presentation with industry members from IBM, iRobot and EMD Serono and school VIP’s like our assistant superintendent and principal Murphy. They gave us a lot of insight and we were able to make our first public presentation at our school’s Shark Tank Event. We were also able to present a proof of concept at the demonstration.
In the meantime, progress continues on our more robust welded frame solution being completed by students at Shawsheen Technical High School. Our students are analyzing the stress loading using inventor. Dylan Patchun, a junior in metal fab from Billerica, is building the Steel Frame for our prototype. It is currently under construction at Shawsheen Tech.
Our goal now is to be ready for our upcoming mid-grant review. We are hard at work preparing!