On behalf of Energy Institute High School, we would like to thank Lemelson-MIT for the opportunity and time the community has given to our InvenTeam. Throughout EurekaFest, we grew closer as a group and were able to meet wonderful students, teachers, and professionals from around the country. We were graciously welcomed by Tony Perry at the beginning of the week; as we settled into our dorm rooms, the first thing we all recognized was how beautiful Cambridge really is. We got to eat wonderful meals and listened to inspiring keynote speakers and graduate students. We loved exploring the MIT campus and the surrounding innovative companies, such as Google and IBM. Some of our favorite memories include seeing other InvenTeams’ projects, presenting our Bio-Blendiesel to the public, building a Rube Goldberg machine, and winning an award for Sustainability. Most importantly, being at MIT inspired us to chase our dreams, never give up when problems arise, and always work together as a team.

Thank you!
Energy Institute InvenTeam