December 29, 2019

Edward C. Reed High School Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam
We’ve made a decision to focus on primarily square sewer drains. We are making three different prototypes to remove cigarette butts from our drains. Our focus has shifted to 18 in US trench drains. We have ordered three to study and test all of our prototypes.

Communications Team:
Q: What are you working on?
R: In an effort to reach out to the community, we’re working on a flyer to get more volunteers and educate the public. Our targeted audience is engineers, environmentalists or anyone with the knowledge to help. Our next assignments is to create an informational video about our team using clips and quotes. This video includes insight on our daily activities. We have interviewed our fellow sub-committees about what they were asked such as why they joined their sub-committee.

Technical Team:
Q: What are you working on?
R: The Technical Team is working on corkscrews which has 2/3 of the team occupied. The Technical Team has three different models, each member of the technical team is working with a research member on these prototypes. They are modeling our local sewer drain, to see how their designs will be placed in the sewer.

Research Team:
Q: What are you working on?
R: The Research Team is working on researching the differences between circular and square sewer drains. 1/3 of the team is working on finding sustainable energy sources such as solar panels. The other 2/3 are working with the Technical Team to find the material that’s best for their project.

Financial Team:
Q: What are you working on?
R: The Financial Team has been working on finding pipes, motors and bins to test our prototype designs. They have been using cautiously our $7,000 grant to improve the team.

Sustainability Team:
Q: What are you working on?
R: The Sustainability Team has been studying the process which can be summed up as the lifespan of a product, in order to pass their test. Which would prove their ability to make an environmentally friendly product overall.